Meet Daniel Clarke!

A very warm and excited welcome to C3’s newest Project Manager, Daniel Clarke! In his role, Daniel will help clients with post-sales support, reduce the...

The Dark Web and where your data REALLY is.

Most of us browse the Internet for information. We surf the world wide web for information, entertainment, logistics, and social interaction. Unbeknownst...

Meet Abigail 'Abi' Lebioda!

C3 is thrilled to announce its newest team member, Abigail 'Abi' Lebioda! Abi is C3's newest Marketing Manager! Abi's outgoing personality, winning...

From The Desk of the CEO: 2022 Management Success

2021 was supposed to be a different kind of year. It was to be the year of greater societal stability, the end of Covid, and the hopes of a return to...

Meet Drew Klos!

C3 is thrilled to announce its newest Global Technology Advisor, Andrew (Drew) Klos! Drew will be focusing on helping organizations in Illinois and will...

What WMIS Brought for IT Professionals

After over a yearlong hiatus, we were back in-person for the 2021 West Michigan IT Summit hosted downtown Grand Rapids at the B.O.B.! It was revitalizing...

Meet Kylee Ackley!

C3 is thrilled to announce its newest team member, Kylee Ackley!  Kylee is C3's newest Corporate Recruiter. By the end of this decade, C3 Technology...

What to Expect at WMIS : Part Two

The day is almost here, and we cannot be more excited to bring you the BEST technology summit in West Michigan!

My Why - Why I Joined the Trusted Advisor Movement

Sale! Sale! Sale! That’s how I started my marketing career. Every single day was a sale. It was tiring because it was the same thing EVERY SINGLE DAY, we...

Beers, Peers, and Cheers, Oh My: What to Expect at WMIS!

Lights. Camera. Action. Attention turns towards the stage as a security industry leader begins to share their insights. Your attention is captured...


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